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Environmental Remediation

Pioneer’s remediation group consists of civil, mechanical, environmental and geotechnical engineers with extensive experience in the cleanup of sites impacted with petroleum and hazardous substances.

At some sites, contaminant conditions dictate the need for remediation or cleanup work is necessary to accommodate site redevelopment and future uses. Whether its soil remediation, soil gas/vapor mitigation, groundwater remediation, or commonly some combination of all three, Pioneer has designed and implemented remedial systems that have worked at numerous sites of varying complexity. 

Each remediation project presents its own technical challenges, budgetary considerations and time constraints. Pioneer routinely handles sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents or other VOCs (volatile organic compounds), gasoline or other petroleum products, Metals, and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls).

The list below offers a sample of the different remediation systems and experience Pioneer can bring to your cleanup project:

  • Source Removal/Free Product Recovery of NAPL/DNAPL
  • Conventional Soil Removal and Disposal (Dig and Haul)
  • In-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
  • Vapor Mitigation 
  • In-Situ Soil Stabilization (ISS)
  • Biodegradation/Enhanced Natural Attenuation
  • Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE)
  • Dual-Phase Extraction (DPE)

In many instances, co-mingling plumes and hot spot areas of differing contaminants means a hybrid approach may be the best solution. Pioneer works with its clients to evaluate the most feasible remedial approach from both an economic and technical perspective in order to meet your specific needs.

Read a case study

Environmental Remediation of a
Commercial Dry Cleaner

Pioneer conducted environmental assessment activities at an operating dry cleaning facility, and identified high levels of tetrachloroethene (PCE), a common solvent widely-used in the dry cleaning industry), and certain associated breakdown products on portions of the site.
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